Elementary Grade Level Information

Last Updated March 11, 2025

On December 9, 2024, the School Board of ISD #2687 approved the elementary grade level buildings transition effective for the 2026-2027 school year. The decision was made to reorganize Winsted and Humphrey Elementary schools to become “grade level buildings” in order to keep class sizes as small and equitable as possible.

This page is intended to provide information to parents and the community about the shift. A transition team has been established in order to plan for the transition and make sure we start the 2026-27 school year off as successfully as we can.

As plans develop, we will update this webpage with the pertinent details. Click on the sections below to find out more information.

Our district continues to face a structural imbalance to our budget. As nearly 80% of our district expenditures are staffing, we need to find a way to more efficiently staff our schools. After consideration of many different options, the move to grade-level buildings provided the most efficient and realistic way to staff the district. 
At the same time, grade-level buildings allow teacher teams to collaborate more effectively for the benefit of students. Also, this approach allows greater flexibility to account for population changes in the future and provides additional child-care opportunities to our communities. 
Grade-level buildings are not a new or unique idea to HLWW. Our district has adopted this approach in times past. Many smaller, rural districts in the state have transitioned to this approach. 
School district leadership started by communicating with staff in the Spring of 2024 regarding the possibility of a program change. Leadership attended town council meetings to seek input from town leaders. The School Board and Superintendent hosted a number of listening sessions at each building and attended staff meetings to gather feedback. Additionally, time was provided to citizens to share their perspectives during each School Board meeting. 
The district also commissioned surveys to gather feedback from those who were not able to participate in any of the in-person sessions. Results of the community-wide survey can be found HERE. Personally identifiable information has been removed from applicable responses. 
We are grateful for the participation of many citizens in providing insight into this transition. We recognize that while not all requests are able to be honored, the feedback will provide information for the Transition Team’s work in managing the change. 

The district will be better able to respond to changes in enrollment.

  • Students will have a more equitable experience as they progress through our district
  • Creates larger grade-level teams for teachers and enhances collaboration among our staff
  • The district will be able to keep class sizes as low as possible, while balancing the budget
  • Allows a school building to focus on the unique needs of a smaller grade band of students
  • The district will be able to pool resources/services to meet the needs of an entire grade-level (interventions, special education, english-language learners, etc.) 
  • Allows the district to expand child care into additional sites for community members 
  • Children will have the opportunity to attend school with students from across the district from the start.  We believe this will create more opportunities for students to connect socially and make the transition to middle school easier and less stressful for students and families.

 The Transition Team is a group of staff members representing a cross-section of our elementaries. This team meets at least monthly to gather information, share perspectives, seek input from beyond the Team and make recommendations for the transition. The Team productively and collaboratively considers what is best for students when making its recommendations. 

Shifting to grade-level school buildings will allow the district to “right size” the number of sections for each grade based on the total number of students, which will ensure that class sizes will be similar in each grade’s classrooms. Cost savings will occur as the total number of staff needed for grade sections adjusts accordingly. There is also opportunity for additional revenue for the district by adding Laker Care, etc. Overall, we believe that this change will help the district be more efficient and effective at the elementary school level.

No.  Our elementary buildings were built and renovated to accommodate elementary students from preschool to grade six.

Currently, our buses cover many miles each day and nearly all of our buses arrive at the 5-12 campus to transfer students to other buses headed back to Waverly or Winsted.  We will be able to keep the longest routes to around an hour. To accommodate this change, some routes will need to change; however, we will have drop offs at all of our buildings to allow families an easier drop off/pick up process. 

Questions can be submitted to the Superintendent: nwalbruch@hlww.k12.mn.us

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