ACT Information

HLWW High School Test Date March, 11th, 2025 for the Junior Class.

ACT Website

Test Fees for 2025

ACT No Writing   $50.50

Full List of Colleges That Require ACT Writing

As of 2023, there are only 3 schools in the US that still REQUIRE the ACT with Writing. If you apply to any of these schools, you must take the ACT with Writing, otherwise your application won’t be considered complete, and it won’t be reviewed.

  1. Martin Luther College (MN)
  2. Soka University of America (CA)
  3. United States Military Academy (West Point) (NY)

Currently, 4 schools specifically state on their website that they RECOMMEND taking ACT Writing:

  1. Colorado School of Mines (CO)
  2. Bethune-Cookman University (FL)
  3. Morehouse College (GA)
  4. Molloy College (NY)


If you cannot afford the test fee, ask Mrs. Holm if you are eligible for a fee waiver.


If you plan to take the ACT on a different date than March 11th, 2025, please follow the instructions below to get registered for the ACT.

How Do I Sign Up for the ACT?
Online registration is the fastest method. You will know immediately if your preferred test center has space for you to test, and you also can print your admission ticket from the website. 

If you plan to test at a national or international test center, sign up online by creating or logging in to your ACT Web account.

If you are requesting extended time or other accommodations for the first time, sign up online by creating or logging in to your ACT Web account or register by mail in addition to completing the application request and submitting required documentation.

If you missed the late registration deadline, you can request standby testing online.

If you are homebound or confined, cannot find a test center within 75 miles of your home (U.S. and Canada) or in your country (other locations), or you need a Sabbath/Sunday test center and one is not established within 75 miles of your home (or in your country if outside the U.S. or Canada), on all test dates, check the requirements for Arranged Testing.

2024-25 Test Dates (National)

Test DateRegistration DeadlineLate Registration Deadline

June 14, 2025

July 12, 2025

May 9, 2025

June 6, 2025

May 26, 2025

June 20, 2025

Test Tips

Tips for Taking the ACT

  • Carefully read the instructions on the cover of the test booklet.
  • Read the directions for each test carefully.
  • Read each question carefully.
  • Pace yourself—don’t spend too much time on a single passage or question.
  • Pay attention to the announcement of five minutes remaining on each test.
  • Use a soft lead No. 2 pencil with a good eraser. Do not use a mechanical pencil or ink pen; if you do, your answer document cannot be scored accurately.
  • Answer the easy questions first, then go back and answer the more difficult ones if you have time remaining on that test.
  • On difficult questions, eliminate as many incorrect answers as you can, then make an educated guess among those remaining.
  • Answer every question.
  • Your scores on the multiple-choice tests are based on the number of questions you answer correctly. There is no penalty for guessing.
  • If you complete a test before time is called, recheck your work on that test.
  • Mark your answers properly. Erase any mark completely and cleanly without smudging.
  • Do not mark or alter any ovals on a test or continue writing the essay after time has been called. If you do, you will be dismissed and your answer document will not be scored.
  • If you are taking the ACT Plus Writing, see these ACT Test Prep.

Test Day Checklist (If you are not testing at HLWW)

  • ID requirements have changed. You need both a printed copy of your ticket and acceptable photo ID to test. You will not be admitted to the test if you do not have a printed copy of your ticket.
  • Report to your assigned test center by the Reporting Time (8:00 a.m.) listed on your ticket. You will NOT be admitted to the test if you are late.
  • Testing staff will check your photo ID and ticket, admit you to your test room, direct you to a seat, and provide test materials.
  • You may use a permitted calculator on the Mathematics Test only. Some models and features are prohibited. You are responsible for knowing if your calculator is permitted and bringing it to the test center.
  • Once you break the seal on your test booklet, you cannot later request a Test Date Change, even if you do not complete all your tests.

Please note that ACT may visit test centers to conduct enhanced test security procedures including, but not limited to, collecting images of examinees during check-in or other security activities on test day. Do not engage in any prohibited behavior at the test center. If you do, you will be dismissed and your answer document will not be scored. Note: For National and International Testing, you will be asked to sign a statement on the front cover of your test booklet agreeing to this policy.

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