HLWW Middle School
Welcome to Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted Middle School. We are a school of 400 students in 5th through 8th grade. We are extremely proud of our students, staff, and facility. HLWW Middle School has an amazing staff of 32 teachers, 7 paraprofessionals and 8 educational support staff. This truly is a middle school staff that has the passion, energy and a strong belief in our schools mission and values. “HLWW Middle School will provide a supportive transitional environment in which students achieve their full potential through a variety of opportunities”. This We Believe…
- Educators who value working with this age group and are prepared to do so
- Courageous, collaborative leadership
- A shared vision that guides decisions
- An inviting, supportive, and safe environment
- High expectations for every member of the learning community
- Students and teachers engaged in active learning
- An adult advocate for every student
- School-initiated family and community partnerships
Curriculum that is relevant, challenging, integrative, and exploratory - Multiple learning and teaching approaches that respond to student diversity
- Assessment and evaluation programs that promote quality learning
- Organizational structures that support meaningful relationships and learning
- School-wide efforts and policies that foster health, wellness, and safety
- Multifaceted guidance and support services
Our 5th and 6th grade program is designed to transition students from the elementary to middle school. Each grade level is comprised of a four teacher team. Each student has an advisory
teacher. Their advisory teacher also serves as their reading teacher. Students then rotate to; math, science, social studies, and language arts. In addition to the core subjects, students have
physical education, exploratory classes, and band and choir as electives.
Our 7th and 8th grade program is designed to prepare students for success in high school. Like 5th
and 6th grade, each student has an advisor but moves through seven 47-minute periods throughout the day. Core subjects are language arts, math, science, social studies, and physical education/health. Exploratory classes are art, computers, current events, Minnesota ecology, and forensics. Band and choir are offered as electives.
To meet the unique social and emotional needs of our students, we have a Counselor and a Behavior Interventionist. In addition, we have a comprehensive advisory curriculum that
focuses on character education, bullying prevention, and school values.
At HLWW Middle School, we are focused on your student’s learning. We utilize instructional strategies that are proven to be effective. We have 1:1 Chromebooks, Google Classroom and several other technologies integrated into our curriculum to engage our students in 21st century learning and give them the skills needed to be successful in the unknown future of technology.
If you have any questions about HLWW Middle School, please feel free to contact me at jschimelpfenig@hlww.k12.mn.us or 320-543-4660. You are also welcome to simply stop by for a visit.
Jim Schimelpfenig
Middle School Principal

8700 County Road 6
Howard Lake, MN 55349
Jim Schimelpfenig, Principal