ACT Information
Test Day was March 11, 2025.
Post Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO)
Enrollment deadlines are October 30th (Spring Term) and May 30th (Fall Term).
Course Registration Materials
2024-25 Semester 2 Master Schedule
High school schedule, teacher assignments, and room locations.
2025-26 Quick Course Guide
Course names and numbers to help with the registration process.
2025-26 Registration Guide
Course names and descriptions to help you choose your path.
Add/Drop Deadline for Semester 1
Students have until August 11th, 2025 to request a possible schedule changes for the first semester.
2025-26 Add/Drop Form
Request a potential change to student's schedules.

HLWW High School Media Center
Hours: 7:15 AM to 3:15 PM

Noël Huggett
Counseling Secretary
High School/Middle School Registrar
(320) 543-4600 x4304
Students should graduate from high school ready for college, careers, and life, prepared to pursue the future of their choosing. Over the course of the school year, there are events, tests, and scholarships appropriate for all students, whether you plan to attend a 4 year school, a tech school, or go to work.
College and Tech School Fair
The Minnesota National Fair, held each fall in Minneapolis, is one of the largest fairs of its kind and annually attracts representatives from over 300 different colleges and universities. Students and parents are welcome during the listed times. The National College Fair is free and open to the public.
College and Tech School Readiness Exams
National admissions exams: the ACT and the SAT. National placement exams: COMPASS (by ACT, Inc.) and ACCUPLACER (by the College Board).
Post Secondary Education Opportunity
Students that are interested in this opportunity will email Mrs. Holm after January 1st, 2025 about their interest for the following school year. Starting in March, Mrs. Holm will have student/parent meetings about PSEO.
Local Scholarship Information will be provided to the Senior class by Mrs. Holm during Advisory. Typically, this will occur by the month of February at the latest. Students have access to a shared folder named “Scholarships” which is filled with other regional and national scholarship opportunities. Don’t forget to check college websites for scholarship opportunities!
Knowing how to study is key to student success in schoolwork. Take a look at the following tips, and see if any of them will help you in your studies:
The best way to ensure that you will do well in class is to BE THERE, consistently, all hour. - Understand the teacher.
Find out your teacher’s testing format, marking scheme and expectations. Then work to meet the teacher’s standards. - Set specific times to study.
Set a time when you will review your notes, so you set a consistent good habit. - Study in the same place.
Your mind will automatically “kick into gear” when you faithfully return to the same place to study each day. - Have short but often study periods.
Frequent repetition is key to building your memory of material. - Set goals to accomplish in each subject.
If you set a goal, you are more likely to accomplish more of it and faster. - Start assignments as soon as they are given.
If you spread the workload out, your results will be better. - Study your most difficult subjects first.
You are most aware when you first sit down to study, so that is the time to hit the hardest subjects. If you get the worst things out of the way, you won’t be tempted to carry on too long on the easy stuff. - REVIEW!!!
Taking good notes (using Cornell or T notes works well) and reviewing them is the main secret to understanding the subject. The best way to review is to read the information out loud. If you review at regular intervals, you will retain up to 80% in your long term memory. (Great help for quizzes, tests, and finals.) - Reward yourself.
Reward yourself when you reach your study goals – a short break, a snack, a phone call/text, etc.). Rewards give you the incentive to meet the next goal. - FINISH HOMEWORK.
If you don’t finish it, it will pile up. The more it piles up, the harder it is to catch up. Finishing it also gives you the confidence that you can finish what you start.
The Wright Technical Center is a cooperative public high school that provides instruction in career and technical education. The WTC provides students with 12 different career and technical program choices to meet their needs, skills and career interests.
Credit Recovery
The Howard Lake-Waverly- Winsted ALP offers a credit recovery opportunity for students missing credits required for graduation from HLWW Public School district.
What is Credit Recovery?
Credit recovery is a strategy that allows students to recover course credit in required courses for high school graduation. For many students, the recovery of failed credit determines whether they will graduate from high school. Credit recovery requires both seat time and completion of work. Work that is completely finished with a passing grade of 60% or higher will satisfy criteria for earning credit. All work must be done at HLWW ALP and be completed within the academic school year.
HLWW ALP Night School offers 22 core credit classes and follows the HLWW High School calendar.
Classes are held at the ALP classroom C105 located in the High School Media Center.
Registration is on-going throughout the school year.
Expect to start classes one day after you have completed registration.
Expect to complete each course within the school year in which you begin the course.
Students attending night courses at HLWW ALP must report to class on time and report absences right away.
HLWW ALP Night School will NOT meet on days when day school is not in session (e.g. snow days, early releases for weather, holidays, breaks, etc.).
Credit Recovery Courses
English – English 9, English 10, English 11, English 12
Social Studies – Civics, Geography, World History, US History, Economics, Government, Sociology
Science – Science 9, Biology, Chemistry
Mathematics – Algebra 1, Geometry, Math Concepts, Algebra 2
Physical Education
Please connect with Mrs. Holm and/or Mrs. Dailey with any questions you might have about your student or the Night School Credit Recovery program.
Summer School is offered in the months of June and July. Typically, Summer School will begin the week after the regular school year has completed. Classes are held at the ALP classroom C105 located in the High School Media Center.
Transportation and lunch are not currently provided for Summer School, please plan accordingly.
During Summer School, students must complete one course prior to starting a new course. We ask that students attend every day until course work is complete.
Please call Stephanie Dailey at (320) 543-4600 ext. 4305 to report any absences. If the student is absent for three consecutive days the student will be dropped from Summer School and will need to re-enroll. If there is a waitlist at the time of re-enrollment, the student will have to wait until a spot opens.
More information will be provided prior to the end of the year to students and parents. Please connect with Mrs. Holm and/or Mrs. Dailey with any questions you might have about your student or the Summer School program.
Credit Recovery Courses
English – English 9, English 10, English 11, English 12
Social Studies – Civics, Geography, World History, US History, Economics, Government, Sociology
Science – Science 9, Biology, Chemistry
Mathematics – Algebra 1, Geometry, Math Concepts, Algebra 2
Physical Education